1/12/25 Sermon

When I was in college, one of the best courses I ever took was this class where we studied the Bible but then would watch movies that were based on the text to compare notes. Most Hollywood interpretations of the Bible were less than accurate and were way off from the source material. But out of all the movies we watched, my favorite moment that sticks out in my mind comes from the 1985 movie called “King David” starring Richard Gere which admittedly is a strange choice. And my favorite scene comes from this passage we just read. David bringing the ark into the holy city.

The gates to the city slowly open revealing the ark and King David dressed as a king would dress leading this procession. And the drums slowly start beating. David takes off his crown and his robe… and undresses down to his loin cloth. And the music picks up. David starts dancing this weird, terrible dance. Turns out either Richard Gere or choreographer had no idea what they were doing… except it's this dance of pure joy as he leads the ark procession through the city until they get to the holy of holies.

I can’t tell you what it is about that scene. Its ridiculous. But it captures something - some magic - some feeling - about joy and praise… and worship… and God. It just seems like such an authentic piece of what it means and looks like to truly worship God to me. Like I said, his dancing is ridiculous, but the way he moves, the look on his face, the music that accompanies it… It just makes for an incredible scene. It shouldn’t be a wonder that the makers of the movie really wanted to capture this moment the way they did. It’s a huge moment in the history of Israel and its marked by and piques with scripture telling us he danced with abandon to the music of praise and celebration.

The life of David is inseparably tied to music — music that expressed his deep devotion to God and shaped the faith of an entire nation. As a young shepherd, it was his skill with the lyre that first brought him into King Saul’s court, soothing the king’s troubled spirit. Later, as Israel’s king, David’s music became the heartbeat of worship for his people. He composed the Psalms, which capture the full spectrum of human emotion—joy, sorrow, gratitude, and repentance—and continue to guide our worship today.

For David, music was more than a public celebration; it was his way of connecting with God, a way to pour out his soul in moments of triumph and despair alike. His dance before the Ark of the Covenant is a powerful image of uninhibited worship, showing us what it means to worship with abandon, letting music become the bridge between our hearts and God.

Through David, music became central to the worship of ancient Israel, setting a foundation that extends even to this moment. And Just as David’s music shaped the worship of ancient Israel, for over 18 years Our Music Director Randy Manges’s music has shaped the worship of this congregation. Through his gifts, he has helped us sing with joy, weep with lament, and encounter the sacred in profound ways.

Today, as we celebrate Randy's ministry among us, we honor not only his work but the way he has lived out the same spirit of worship that David embodied. Music is central to our shared life of faith, and Randy has been the heart of that music. His ministry has helped us connect with God, bringing us closer to the Divine in ways that words alone cannot. Randy’s gifts have enriched this community in ways that mirror the legacy of David’s psalms—a legacy of music, faith, and praise that transcends time.

And so after over 18 years of faithful service, leadership and dedication to his ministry among us and his ministry to us, Randy has been called to use his gifts of ministry in Wisconsin and this is his last Sunday with us. And Randy made me promise that I would keep the focus on the music and it’s importance and not make it about him. But I crossed my fingers and just told him I’d try my best…

So, I’m going to say something that just needs to be said. I grew up in the church, I’ve served the church in a pastoral roll coming up on - gag - almost 20 years now. I cannot really remember a time where I wasn’t in church though I know there were a year or so here and there around college. And I absolutely love music - all kinds of music - ever since I was a kid. I’ve listened to sacred music all my life. I’ve worked with and been around church musicians all my life. It’s something deeply personal to me as well. But never in all my life until I came here have I met a more talented, capable, humble, intelligent, wise, dedicated beautiful Music Director than Randy Manges. And the fact that he would even ask me to make sure we stayed focused on the music this morning instead of him is testament to the character, integrity, heart and faith of the man who has blessed us from that balcony for over 18 years now.

Exactly 3 years and 2 days ago - who’s counting - I stood up here as a candidate for your pastor during worship - and it was the first time I was blessed to hear Randy and the choir in action. And I distinctly remember leaving here being blown away by the music at this church. There hasn’t been a Sunday since then that I’ve been here that I haven’t felt the same way. And I’m sad that I’ve only gotten three years with you, Randy. You’ve taught me so much.

You reminded me of the importance of liturgy, kept me on track and focused on holy days, offered insight and wisdom as we’ve navigated life as a church in this community, offered a compassionate, listening ear as I vented, laughed at my stupid jokes, scared me when I thought I was alone in the office, re-taught me grammar even when I rolled my eyes, extended infinite patience when I was behind the 8 ball, and maybe most importantly - you showed up. YOU showed up and you put your all into your calling among us - even when you didn’t feel like it, even when you were tired or not feeling well, even when you had millions of other things going on. You showed up and you brought your all. No one could ask any more of another person. And you, sir, are truly one of the finest people I’ve ever had the privilege to know and call a colleague. I think I can speak on behalf of your entire HPPC family when I say from the bottom of my heart that I thank God for you, Randy. I thank God for all that you are, for all that you intend, for all that you’ve done, and most importantly for all you will continue to do in your new position in Wisconsin. Please know that our prayers, our well-wishes, and our hearts go with you.

In reflecting on all that you have given to this community, Randy, it’s clear that your ministry has been about more than just music—it’s been about creating a space where faith, joy, and connection come alive. Your work has reminded us that music is not merely an accompaniment to worship but a vital part of how we experience and express the sacred.

This truth echoes back to the life of King David, who showed us that music is more than just notes and melodies—it is a powerful expression of faith, a connection to the Divine, and a gift that transcends time. Just as David danced with abandon and poured his soul into the psalms, Randy has poured his heart into the music that has filled this sanctuary and our lives.

Through his ministry, Randy has shown us what it means to worship with authenticity and joy. He helped us celebrate with songs of praise, mourn with hymns of comfort, and encounter God in moments of awe and wonder. His music has not just shaped our worship; it has shaped us, drawing us closer to one another and to the heart of God.

And so Today, as we bid farewell to Randy, we do so with gratitude for his faithful service and the legacy of music he leaves behind. His work will continue to echo in our worship, just as David’s psalms continue to inspire the faithful. And while we will miss him dearly, we know that the same God who inspired David’s songs and Randy’s ministry will continue to guide and sustain us all.

So let us honor this legacy by continuing to sing with joy, to worship with abandon, and to offer our hearts to God through the gift of music. And let us send Randy forward with our prayers, our love, and our thanks, trusting that the music he has shared with us will continue to inspire us for years to come.


1/19/25 Sermon


1/2/25 Sermon